The estimated delivery time is 2-10 business days.
All delivery times listed are estimates and may be subject to change. If we are unable to deliver your order within the estimated time frame, we will notify you after placing the order to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Once the order is placed, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your purchase. Please note that the order cannot be modified or changed after this, so we ask that you review the delivery information before making payment and provide a valid email address.
All orders are shipped from Mexico. Please note that orders are processed based on item availability.
Shipping costs are calculated upon entering the delivery address and are subject to the destination country.
Please note that any import duties or customs taxes are determined in the destination country and will be billed directly to you as a customer.
We will contact you if there are any issues with your order or the information provided.
Once the merchandise in transit arrives at the address provided by the buyer, responsibility for the package falls on the customer.
Work and Chill is not responsible for packages that are lost or stolen after they have been invoiced and confirmed as delivered to the correct shipping address.
Work and Chill is not responsible for orders sent to incorrect addresses provided by the customer.
Work and Chill is not responsible for shipping or delivery delays caused by unforeseen weather conditions or other uncontrollable events.
If you require a faster delivery time than the stated deadline, please contact customer service at the following number: +1 6027108652 or via email to coordinate the fastest possible delivery (